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NOL Benefits

NOL benefits are designed to promote business development, strengthen families and home ownership, and leverage every dollar possible to end generations of hopelessness. 

Player Individual Development Accounts (IDA)- Strengthening Families 

Individual Development Account (IDA) is an asset-building tool that enables low-income families to save towards a targeted amount usually used for building assets in home ownership, post-secondary education, and small business ownership.


Each player is required by policy to deposit 40% of their monthly income into a league-approved IDA. The league will seek to find matching partners up to 5 times the player deposits. For example, when a player deposits the minimum amount of $2,400.00 in a season and the goal is five times, that would be a $12,000.00 match. 

Single Mom Housing Initiative- My Backyard 

My Backyard is a neighborhood ownership stabilization program pilot focusing on local ownership and rental affordability for residents. The program's mission is to take underemployed individuals with limited income and assist them in becoming homeowners. My Backyard partners will include local municipalities, USDA, non-profits, and private resources. Each participating partner will have a defined role with defined benefits/ rewards.  

Community Wealth Building Pilot- Buy A Block 

Buy a Block is an opportunity for residents to assist with purchasing urban blocks in poverty-stricken communities for revitalization.  Revitalization will allow residents to enjoy safer and financially stronger neighborhoods. Too often in our Urban Communities (inner cities), the local residents own very little. The lack of ownership/equity equates to high poverty rates, little community pride, and high crime rates.


Buy a Block will allow those who often speak of making a difference to invest in real estate and people. NOL will invest in people and Block by Block to provide equity and sustainability. 

Child Support Beautification and Family Wellness Pilot- Real Support 

Real Support is a national child support, beautification, apprenticeship, and family wellness pilot designed for those that owe or are owed unpaid child support to help strengthen families. According to CNN Money (via the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement in 2012), over $100 billion is owed to taxpayers, including 37.5 million parents.


The child support divide has kept children from a biological parent and caused pure hate in many families. Real Support will provide an opportunity to pay back child support and help to heal families. 

©2022 by National Opportunity League

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